About Tooga
"My name is Tooga (male, b: 25-Jul-2010). Momcat didn't even know what I looked like
when she said she'd take me. All she knew was that my cat family went in the road and never made it across. Someone took me off
the sidewalk before I was sent to see her. I was skinny, wormy and covered with dirt & fleas. I cleaned up good for a hood
cat. I am currently recovering from Ha rtz Ul tra Gu ard poisoning that occurred in Nov-2012. It is a miracle that I survived. Momcat is not giving up and
will make sure I get all my food and plenty of love! She's the best Momcat in the world."
Photo: Baby Tooga about a week after he was rescued
Photo: Baby Tooga about 2 weeks after he was rescued
Photo: Baby Tooga visiting Meowma & PePaw for the first time
Background information [14-Mar-2014]
More About Tooga
"I've been told he's a 'Snowshoe' ... basically a Siamese with white feet & facial markings. My vet says he's pure breed with excellent stance & markings. He's a rescue literally from the street ... his mom & litter mates were killed. He's been nothing short of a pure blessing."
~ Linda Chambers. -
"Tooga was approximately 4 weeks old when I rescued him. His mother and litter mates were run over. Tooga was on his way into the street too. Someone got him and a friend of theirs called me. Love at first sight.
~ Linda Chambers. -
Q: Can Tooga not eat on his own?
A: "No, Tooga is unable to eat on his own. The main insecticide in Ha rtz [Ul tra Gu ard] affects them neurologically and causes injuries to the digestive system. He doesn't have the ability to swallow with enough strength to move food past his esophagus. When he tries dry food most falls out of is mouth and what doesn't is regurgitated without ever getting in his stomach. I syringe feed him about every 4 hours. (Science Diet a/d) Poopie is a major deal and constipation is a major problem."~ Linda Chambers. [source] -
"Tooga is named after an invisible baby monster my nephew had when he was very young. (he's 28 now)"
~ Linda Chambers. [8-Jan-2014] -
Q: Where do you get Tooga's and his sister's clothes?
A: "Most of Tooga's and HRH Princess BlueBelle's clothes come from PetSmart or the PX at Ft. Jackson. Both wear 'medium' based on dog breed. They're about the size of a Pekingese. In infant t-shirts they wear a 3-6 months. There is a local dog boutique for extra special occasions. Don't tell them. They think they're custom made by a cat tailor. The one exception is the blue satin dress HRH is wearing with Prince Harry. I got it at Nieman Marcus in Atlanta. Tooga does wear the occasional dress. They help tremendously with his tremors and shakes. The dresses are actually cut to fit tighter than just a T-shirt. We don't judge on this page."~ Linda Chambers. [source] -
"[Tooga and HRH BlueBelle] really don't [talk much]. HRH rarely meows at all. She does make a high pitched 'mmmrrrr'. Tooga is very vocal with me with 4:30-6:30 AM his favorite time to converse."
~ Linda Chambers. [source] -
Cat friends: Richter, Bailey†, Fritz, Tortie Gracie, Sky†, Tigger†, Tigger Too†.
Videos of Tooga
The following video of Tooga eating from his dish is a significant milestone. Momcat has had to hand feed him by
syringe and this is the first time that Tooga has eaten food on his own during his recovery. Even though Momcat still needs to
hand feed Tooga by syringe (solid food does not stay down), we are all very proud of Tooga for reaching this milestone.

More of Tooga
Tooga Tales videos
Tooga Tales photo albums
Tooga Tales timeline
Extra Love Needed: Meet Tooga & BlueBelle Peace, Love & Whiskers
Cats Related to Tooga
![]() HRH Princess BlueBelle † |
![]() Destiny (f) |
![]() Kitty (m) |
![]() Rocious (m) |
Related Information
Cats 101: Snowshoe
Snowshoe (cat)
HartzVictims.org awareness of Flea and Tick pet products
About / Photos / Videos: Copyright © 2013-2016 Linda Chambers, All rights reserved.