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Kitty Holster®
Kitty Holster® The lightweight Kitty Holster® cat harness is a soft, comfortable and secure walking vest. This strong, ultra-lightweight cat harness secures with wide velcro closures to keep your cat safe and sound in unfamiliar surroundings. Available from: |
This breathable, washable cotton cat harness with undyed lining is suitable for all skin types and climates. The Kitty Holster® cat harness is perfect for handling your cat at veterinary appointments, taking your cat RVing and traveling, walking your cat, visiting friends and family with your cat, and taking your cat out on a balcony. Wherever you plan to walk your cat, the Kitty Holster® cat harness will provide you with peace of mind knowing that your cat is both safe and comfortable. (more ...)
How To Measure Your Cat For The Kitty Holster
How to Put The Kitty Holster on Your Cat
Attaching the Kitty Holster
Kitty Holster FAQs
Mo Rocca: Cat Walking CBS News
Products can be ordered directly from the manufacturer.