About Chloe
"My name is Chloe and I'm a tortie tabby cat. I was born on 1-Apr-2013 and I was rescued from the Humane Society of Indianapolis on my mom's 33rd birthday, 9-Sep-2013. Daddy told her that she could get another kitty for her birthday and when they arrived, I chose them! My daddy sat down in a chair and I jumped in his lap right away. Mom was taking pictures of me on her phone, I posed for her and loved on her, we bonded right away! Mommy loved my squeaky meow, my sweet face and personality.
I came home with them and quickly found out that my mommy is a professional photographer, she started taking lots of photos of me! Just for fun, she dressed me up one day and I loved it!! I know most kitties aren't into that but I know how to get dressed and undressed, I know commands like 'sit' and 'stay' and I enjoy posing for the camera.
Mom does a lot of charity work and has a facebook page dedicated to random acts of kindness (The Kindness Project: 365 Days of Random Acts of Kindness) so she and I decided to do a calendar of me all dressed up. It is available on my page and a large portion of the proceeds go to the Indianapolis Humane Society and Cats Haven."
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About / Photo / Video: Copyright © 2013 Erin Hession Photography, All rights reserved.