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Bobbie Jo the Philosopher Kitty as Cat of the Day

Bobbie Jo the Philosopher Kitty

About Bobbie Jo the Philosopher Kitty

"My name is Bobbie Jo, but what you might not know is that it was almost Chicken Salad! I showed up on Mommy’s office door step in February of 2002; I was just a tiny kitten. It was love at first sight for Mommy, but since I was a feral tabby, I was a bit cautious. I ran under the hood of a parked truck and stayed there for hours! Finally Mommy took a bit of chicken salad from a co-worker to see if she could coax me out. I hit the ground running, and Mommy will forever be grateful that a big hole in the ground is what stopped me! The chicken salad sealed the deal, and Mommy and I have been going strong ever since! So, why is my name Bobbie Jo and not Chicken Salad? I was quite an exotic-looking kitten; Mommy literally thought I was a bobcat!" ~ Bobbie Jo the Philosopher Kitty. [2013-09-29]

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